woensdag 10 februari 2010

Hair: Functions

The body is a wonderful thing. Almost everything has a function... the thing is, most of us have lost touch, and I admit, I'm one of them... So what does hair do???

There are different views on why humans lost almost all there body hair but kept the hair on their heads.

One of them is that it protects the scalp and thus the brain against outside influences, like the sun, the wind and the cold. And in earlier days when people didn’t used to wash their hair it could get creasy enough to protect their heads from the rain.

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Another theory on why we still have our head hair is that it can help spread a person’s personal smell. Hair holds on to a smell longer then skin and this property can help attract the opposite sex.

Expression In most cultures hair is a tool of expression of showing your faith, beliefs or status. In western society hair can even be a tool of showing how you feel. Having a modest, sexy or extreme hairstyle can tell something about your social group, your beliefs, the way you feel about your self and even about you profession.

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